Hey, I hope you guys had a good week! I planned on posting Wrap Ups on the first of the following month instead of incorporating them into my normal posting schedule, (So I would have posted this on March 1st and posted another post today) but I haven’t been feeling well so I didn’t have time to write another post this week. Maybe we’ll try that next month. Anyways, this is a pretty chill post. It just summarizes how my month went. I hope you enjoy!
Life Update
February was a decent month, except I had COVID at the beginning of the month and I have a bad cold now. I performed a solo at my band’s solo contest, which was stressful but ended up going fine. I was also supposed to have a band concert, but I was sick so I missed it. It was my friend’s birthday towards the beginning of the month so that was really exciting. (You better be reading this Grace…) Obviously, I started this blog which I’m still super excited about. I also started an Instagram for it which is @readrebelliously. You should totally go follow it by the way if you aren’t already. I post sub-par content some of the time. I’m basically an influencer.
Posted This Month:
I didn’t listen to a ton of music this month. Niall Horan’s single Heaven came out which was really good though. I think the music video is really cool. According to Receiptify, here are my top 10 songs I listened to this month:
- Amnesia – 5 Seconds of Summer I don’t know why, but I’ve been really into this song lately.
- Love You Goodbye – One Direction
- Face the Music – Louis Tomlinson I listened to a lot of Louis Tomlinson this month. This song and Headline are probably my favorites.
- Fool’s Gold (Recorded at RAK Studios, London) – Niall Horan
- This Town – Niall Horan
- Rock Me – Great White These next couple are from a playlist my dad made after I taught him to use Spotify. We listen to them when we go to the gym together because he says my music is “trash”. They’re fun, but definitely don’t have the same vibe as the rest of these songs lol.
- Call Me The Breeze – Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Seventeen – Winger
- Life’s Been Good – Joe Walsh
- Truly Madly Deeply – One Direction Hey! We’re back to my stuff!
Books Read
I read a lot of audiobooks this month. Almost all of the books I read this month were romances. What can I say? Valentine’s Day’s got me in a romance mood.
The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams

I read The Cheat Sheet because I wanted a romance to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It was a super cute romance about Nathan, the NFL quarterback, and Bree the ballerina. They met in high school and have been hiding their feelings for each other to salvage their friendship ever since. I get why they did this, but at the same time, I feel like by the time you’re both twenty somethings it’s time to get over your fear of rejection and just shoot your shot. It was still really cute though and I absolutely loved Bree. She was such a Queen. However, the whole her hating every other female character in the book was slightly irritating, but I digress.
Paper Hearts by Ali Novak

This is the second book in The Heartbreakers series. I didn’t love the first book, The Heartbreakers, but it was fun enough and I’ll really read anything about music/bands lol. The Heartbreakers are a famous boy band. Alec, member of said boyband, meets Felicity at a charity masquerade ball and they go on a road trip to find her missing sister. A lot of the events in this book were just highly unbelievable and I just didn’t find Alec that interesting. Plus Alec and Felicity’s relationship wasn’t fleshed out very well and wasn’t focused on enough.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Physical Book/Audiobook

This book was required reading for my English class. I don’t rate books I read for school, because I feel like that sways my opinion of them, but I will say I really didn’t enjoy this one. It was hard to get through and by the end I didn’t even care about any of the characters or what happened to them. I also strongly disliked Golding’s writing style and had to listen to the audiobook while reading the physical book in some parts just to force myself to actually pay attention. Some of my friends said this was the best book we’ve read for class though, so to each their own. It’s about a group of boys that are stranded on an uncharted island. They are free to do anything they want without the limits of society. At first they celebrate their newfound freedoms but things soon spiral out of control and they must face their own evil.
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall

Boyfriend Material was the final audiobook I listened to this month. Luc’s father is a rock star he’s never met, but Luc’s still in the media by association. He has to find a perfect fake boyfriend to clean up his image or he’ll be fired from his job. He strikes a deal to fake date Oliver even though they have nothing in common. Luc and Oliver are so cute together and this book was such a fun read. I did find the reason Luc and Oliver have to pretend to date each other to be pretty unbelievable and a lot of the side characters weren’t very realistic because they were really one note, but I don’t think that took away from the story too much.
Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter
Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter

And finally, my favorite read of the month. Eeeek! This book was possibly the most adorable thing I’ve ever read. I love love loved the main characters, especially Liz. Like, I swear we’re the same person. All of the rom-com and pop culture references were so fun and the storyline was actually deeper than I was anticipating. Better Than the Movies tells the story of Liz, who needs the help of the boy next door, Wes, who just happens to be her nemesis. However, she’s willing to look past this and even give him the parking spot they feud over if he can help her land a date to prom with her crush who just moved back to town. It’s as cute as it sounds. If you like rom-coms or music or both (like me) you need to read this book.
Looking Forward to March
I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for March. My birthday is at the beginning of March which I’m super excited for. I’m turning 16 and like any mature almost 16 year old, I really really like getting presents. I get a week off of school for Spring Break in March too and I’m going on a trip to Disney World and Universal Studios with my school’s band program which I’m really excited for.
How did your February go? Make sure to tell me and let me know what books you read in the comments below. As always, I hope this post finds you well and you’re having a great day!

Ok, I’m kind of late to this, but I heard somewhere that they’re making a sequel to Better Than The Movies. Nothing Like the Movies, I think.
Sorry about covid. That sucks.
Ok, I’m kind of late to this, but I heard somewhere that they’re making a sequel to Better Than The Movies. Nothing Like the Movies, I think.
Sorry about covid. That sucks.
Yeah I heard that too! I’m really excited.
Agh, I’m sorry you got covid! Being sick sucks. And that you missed your band concert! I missed my winter orchestra concert last semester because I had covid. I’m planning to read Better Than the Movies later this year, so I’m glad you liked it!
I hope you have a great March!
Yeah, I’m starting to feel better now. It’s too bad you missed your orchestra concert! I swear we get sick at the worst times! You’ll have to tell me what you think of Better Than the Movies once you read it! I hope you have a great March too!
sophia im so sorry about covid and the cold BUT HERE’S ALL THE GOOD WISHES AND FINGERS CROSSED YOU FEEL SO MUCH BETTER SOON <33 ahhhh congrats on the solo performance AND ALSO STARTING READ REBELLIOUSLY THEYRE BOTH SUCH HUGE ACHIEVEMENTS ACTUALLY. IM PROUD OF YOU. OH AND CONGRATS ON SURVIVING 16 YEARS ON EARTH TOO?? happy birthday month AND HOPING ITS THE BEST ONE!!!!! i must read all things lynn painter SOMETIME SOON because they sound like such fun books. IM GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!! have the best march, sophia AND DID I MENTION I LOVE THIS??
Thank you so much!!! Seriously, your comments are always the sweetest. I do need to read more Lynn Painter books. I have a thirty hour ride to Disney World coming up so…