I saw a YouTube video recently by JustAli where she started reading books from series she needed to finish. I also have a bit of problem finishing series so I thought this was a great idea. I’ve started so many series and read the first book or two and never continued them. I don’t know why. I’ll love the first book in a series and then just never bother to pick up the next. So I figured a little accountability wouldn’t hurt. Here are all (All being a loose terms. I probably most definitely forgot some.) the series that I’ve read and would like to finish at some point. These are also book recs for anyone reading this because I’ve really liked all of the books I’ve read in these series so far.
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The Corpus Trilogy by Jessica Khoury

This is a sci-fi series, but I don’t know if it really counts as a series cause it’s actually made up of 3 companion novels. Anywho, they’re all about scientists who’s research has gone too far and is being kept secret from the general population. In junior high, I read Kalahari, which is about five teens who are stranded in the Kalahari dessert. Sarah, daughter of zoologists, has to lead them to safety. However, they soon make a discovery that makes even Sarah question how dangerous the desert can be. I loved this book, so I honestly don’t know why I haven’t continued with the trilogy. I have both of the other books (Origin and Vitro) on my bookshelf and from what I’ve heard about them, they both sound really cool too. I really need to get on with reading these ones.
The Hybrid Chronicles by Kat Zhang

I listened to the audiobook of the first book in this series, What’s Left of Me, this past winter. The series is about an alternative reality where everyone is born with two souls. Usually as a child grows up they “settle” and the weaker soul fades away. That’s what everyone thinks happened to Addie. What they don’t know, is that Eva, the weaker soul, never really left. This book was a really cool sci-fi and it was a really cute read. Also the ending was a huge cliff hanger so I really need to read the rest of the series. (I feel like I’m just saying that for every book lol but whatever.)
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

I read The Inheritance Games last summer and it was a five star read. The series follows Avery, who is the benefactor of billionaire, Tobias Hawthorne’s, fortune. However, she’s never even met him. I didn’t see the ending coming at all and the whole book was very addictive. Apparently not enough though because I still didn’t pick up the second book lol. I seriously have a problem guys! My mom read The Inheritance Games after I recommended it to her though and she did read the whole series. She really liked it.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I’m not going to bother writing a synopsis for this one because it seems like everyone’s already read this trilogy. Except for me that is. I listen to the audiobook of The Hunger Games in sixth grade. I really liked it and I started Catching Fire, but then I fell out of listening to audiobooks for a while so I never finished it. I don’t remember much of it so I would definitely need to restart Catching Fire and maybe reread The Hunger Games if I were to come back to this series. I think it’d be worth it though. One of my friends watched the movie on our bus ride to Disney World this year and the clips she showed me of them looked really cool too. I want to finish reading the books though before I watch the movies. I think it would be fun to write a blog post about reading/rereading this series so let me know if you’d be interested in seeing that!
Caraval by Stephanie Garber

Here’s yet another trilogy that I’ve only read the first book of. Am I the only one starting to notice a pattern? This book I actually read this month, however I’ve made no move to start the sequel since finishing it. I loved the book. I’m just really not good at reading series lol. The series is about a magical carnival with sinister intentions. The first book was so good and I really loved reading it. Also there was a huge cliff hanger at the end so I’m really excited to continue this series.
I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

I listen to the two books in this trilogy as audiobooks this spring. It follows Jazz, son of notorious serial killer, as he tries to track down other serial killers. These books were really good and I found Jazz’s character really interesting. Also the end of the second book was pretty wild so I think the last book will be really good. I never guess the endings or twists in these books and the stakes in them just keep getting higher. I think the finale should be really good.
I looked up what a four-book series was called and this word came up: tetralogy. How fun sounding is that? You’re welcome.
Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

I read the first book, Beautiful Creatures, in middle school and I’ve always meant to read the rest of the series. I don’t remember it very well anymore, so I’d probably need to reread it but I still want to read this series cause I remember really liking it. Granted, I went through I really cringeworthy paranormal romance phase in middle school so who knows if it’s actually good lol. Either way, it’d be interesting to reread lol. The series is about a small town that gets shaken up when a strange girl with magic powers moves there. Ethan, who has had reoccurring dreams about this girl prior to ever meeting her, is determined to find out her secrets and uncover the connection between the two of them.
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater

Guys I finally read more than one book in a series! I mean, I stopped after the second book, but still, it’s progress! I read The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves in middle school too. They were five star reads. The series follows Blue, a girl with a clairvoyant family that has been predicting since she could remember that she would cause her true love to die. She meets four boys that attend the nearby private school and goes on a hunt for a Welsh legend with them. I remember really liking Maggie Stiefvater’s writing style. Also I seriously loved like all of the characters. Plus the storyline was really cool so I’d really like to continue it.
Larger Series
The Mysteries of Enola Holmes by Nancy Springer

I read the first three books in this series after watching the first Enola Holmes movie on Netflix. I actually talked about this series in my post about my favorite books of all time. The series follows Enola Holmes, the younger sister of Sherlock Holmes. After her mother goes missing, she runs away to avoid being sent to a boarding school to learn how to be a lady. She flees to London and hides right under their noses. Enola is one of my favorite characters ever. She’s so smart and funny, and I just love her personality so much.
The Grishaverse by Leigh Bardugo

Okay so I know this is actually made up of three series that take place in the same world, but I’m grouping them together for the sake of this post. I read the Shadow and Bone trilogy last summer and I’ve been meaning to read the Six of Crows duology ever since. Shadow and Bone is a fantasy series mainly set in the country of Ravka where people called Grisha have magic powers. I’ve heard from like everyone that Six of Crows is way better and I loved Shadow and Bone so I’m really excited to read Six of Crows. Plus I want to read it before watching the Shadow and Bone series on Netflix that looks super good.
Well, I certainly have some reading to do so I better wrap this up lol. This post was really fun to write and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Feel free to pressure me to read any of these series that you like down below. It might encourage me to actually read them. As always, I hope this post finds you well and you’re having a great day!

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